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Langstone Harbour Water Skiers Association

News and Events.

2024 events:

23th March 2024

First Committee Meeting.

21st June 2024

Inflatables Trial Begins.

23th November 2024


News from events in 2024

First committee meeting Saturday, 23th March 2024.

We'll review the fees, membership form and documents for the year.

We'll plan any work needed on the raft.

Trial to Include Towing of Inflatables as part of Langstone Harbour Water Skiers Association at maximum speed of 15 knots.

The LHWSA has obtained permission to run a trial to allow club members to tow inflatables in a designated area of the ski run. The trial will run with immediate effect until the end of the 2024 water ski season.


Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 23th of November 2024.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email before the meeting.

The AGM is open to all members. For the benefit of members wo are not local, this wlll be be virtual over zoom.

We'll be setting the fees and discussing plans for next year
Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2023

First committee meeting Saturday, 25th March 2023.

We'll review the fees, membership form and documents for the year.

We'll confirm the project plan for raft completion and re-launching.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 25th of November 2023.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email before the meeting.

The AGM is open to all members. For the benefit of members wo are not local, this wlll be be virtual over zoom.

We'll be setting the fees and discussing plans for next year
Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2022

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 19th of November 2022.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email before the meeting.

The AGM is open to all members. For the benefit of members wo are not local, this wlll be be virtual over zoom.

We'll be setting the fees and discussing plans for next year
Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2021

First committee meeting Saturday, 13th March 2021.

We'll finalise the fees and membership forms and discuss plans for the year
With the restrictions due to Covid its going to be virtual over zoom.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 20th of November 2021.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email at the end of October.

The AGM is open to all members. The meeting being held between 7:30 and 9:00 pm with socialising afterwards. Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2020

First committee meeting Saturday, 14th March 2020.

We discussed options for a new raft and reviewed pontoon prices and metal fabrication costs.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 21st of November 2020.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email at the end of October.

The AGM is open to all members. The meeting being held between 7:30 and 9:00 pm with socialising afterwards. Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2019

First committee meeting Saturday, 9th March 2019.

We discussed options for a new raft and reviewed pontoon prices and metal fabrication costs.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 16th of November 2019.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by email at the end of October.

The AGM is open to all members. The meeting being held between 7:30 and 9:00 pm with socialising afterwards. Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2018

First committee meeting Saturday, 10th March 2018.

Discussed condition of the raft, two of the benches have been repaired by Richard, the rest are yet to be done. We set the dates for this year.

Club Competition - Saturday 18th July 2018.

Cancelled due to very strong winds. Max was the only member brave enough to make it out there.

Pictures from last years competition are in the Gallery.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 17th of November 2018.

Reviewed the pictures from the raft survey in October and discussed dismantling plans.

Set the fees for the 2019 season.

News from events in 2017

First committee meeting Saturday, 11th March 2017.

We set the dates of events for this year.

First Raft maintenance day - Saturday, 15th April 2017.

As planned, we launched around 10:30 and got to the raft with the new metal work.
We managed to fit 10 of the twelve uprights, all three frames and the panels for the north wall and both frames and two of three panels for the east wall.
The south wall (facing the harbour office, has its new uprights fitted and joined to the bus shelter.
As for the west wall with the barbeque, Richard cut off the last of the old mounting brackets. It turned into a longish day as we didn't recover until gone 5 pm. Thanks to Andrew, Chris, Duncan, Ed, Lyn, Nigel, Richard and Sadie who turned up and helped out for the whole day.
A handful of pictures from the day are here:

Second Raft maintenance day - Saturday, 27th May 2017.

We launched around 10:30. I took the remaining frames and uprights and Richard took all 7 of the panels on his boat. It was just Helen. Richard and I for most of the day. Edd and Paula turned up and helped fit the panels later on. We recovered just gone 5 pm.
Jobs done

  1. Fitted the three frames and panels for the south wall.
  2. Fitted the two uprights and one of the two frames for the west wall.
  3. Fitted the last panel in the east wall.
  4. Fitted the perspex for the middle of the bus-shelter.

Third Raft maintenance day - Saturday, 8th July 2017.

Richard, Sadie and myself launched from Northney at 10:00 taking all the spare floorboards and various tools.
While Richard and I worked on the floorboards and hatch, Sadie did a great job using a deck brush and bucket around the outside.
Ran out of time and tide to finish scrubbing and there remain a couple of bits that will get slippery when wet, please feel free to have a go at these if you are out over the next few days. Recovered around 15:30.
Finished the following jobs:

  1. Mended all broken and suspect floorboards, including a section of old plywood by the ladder that was looking a bit weak.
  2. Fabricated and fitted a new hatchcover.
  3. Scrubbed a significant part of the decking.

Club Competition - Saturday 22nd July 2017.

Despite unpromising weather, we held the competition in what turned out to be pretty challenging conditions.
In moderate chop Richard got a new club record on mono of 34 wakes in 30 seconds, beating the previous 31 set by Graeme in 2015.
In the men's event, Olly and Nigel both made the most of the new 1.5 points/wake for two skis with 24 crossings giving them joint first place with 36 points.
In the woman's event, Sadie managed 14 crossings on a pair getting 21 points and taking the win.

Pictures from the competition are now in the Gallery.

Third committee meeting - a Saturday in September 2017.

Season wrap-up, in preparation for the AGM, we discussed the fees for the 2018 season.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 18th of November 2017.

Members will receive AGM venue and other details by post at the end of October.

The AGM is open to all members. The meeting being held between 7:30 and 9:00 pm with socialising afterwards. Please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.

News from events in 2016

First committee meeting Saturday, 12th March 2016.

We discussed the damage to the raft after the winter and decided the dates and events taking place during the year.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 19th of November 2016.

The AGM went ahead as planned. We set the fees for the 2017 season and discussed the state of the club.

News from events in 2015

First committee meeting of Saturday, 7th March 2015.

We decided the dates and events taking place during the year.

Raft maintenance date Sunday, 19th April 2015.

As planned a group of members went out on the 19th of April and fitted the last of the fendering and scrubbed down, scraped off the loose paint and put a couple of coats of blue paint on the raft. The observant amongst you will notice a slightly darker blue was used as the Teamac Metalastic Blue we've been using since the raft was built is no longer available.

On May 16th, Ed and I took out a pressure washer and cleaned off as many of the boards on the west side (facing the Portsmouth outdoor center) as we could until a mechanical failure stopped play. There remained a small section of boards in the south west corner that have not been cleaned and remain very  slippery especially when wet.

On May 30th, Ed and I went out and repaired four broken floorboards.

On June 9th, Phil replaced the barbeque table top, which had been looking pretty sorry for itself.

Second committee meeting Saturday, originally 16th May 2015, postponed new date TDA.

General meeting to discuss developments.

SBDA Training and Exam - Sunday, 2nd August 2015 (rescheduled from the 27th June).

David, our SBDA Principle took 5 members though their theory course and exam. Congratulations to all five successful candidates. Practical tests and will occur over the next few weeks.

Club Competition - Saturday, 8th August 2015.

This was open to all members.
Congratulations to Graeme, who set a new club record with an impressive 31 wake crossings in 30 seconds
Pictures are in the Gallery

Third committee meeting of 2015.

Date and venue to be determined.

Annual General Meeting - Saturday the 21st of November 2015.

The formal part of the meeting will be held between 7:30 and 9:00 pm, all Members should have been advised of the venue by now.

The AGM is open to all members, please come along and support YOUR club. The AGM is a pretty informal event and a great chance for all members to have their say in how their club is run.